Colina Learning Center

Colina Learning Center, Romania
For example, In the Bare Necessities we kicked-off by giving our pre-school and primary crews a taste of being lost in the wilderness, magically transporting them to one of the many woods near our school and then following them as they found their way home. Using this experience as a catalyst for discovery and dreaming, we identified three main themes connected to human survival: Food and Water, Communication and Orientation, and Shelter.
After the initial excitement students are now researching and learning lots about many important concepts from proteins, carbohydrates, and fats to morse code. Our aim is that in the weeks ahead the students produce their own survival guides, finish building a community shelter, and demonstrate how to filter water in the wild. We are also focusing on helping the children improve how they maintain physical safety, and collaborate with each other throughout this expedition.
Every day learners reflect on what has happened, and adults assess the students progress to help design the best possible learning experiences. On October the 14th all of our community will join together to celebrate the achievements of our students, and give them feedback and encouragement so they can meaningfully consolidate their learning and growth before we launch Expedition 2.
Follow our progress on Instagram @Colina Learning.