Dr. Arvi Balseiro has been the Head of The Cushman School for the last ten years. She is one of only three Heads of School to lead the 98-year-old school, which is Miami-Dade’s oldest continuously operating private school. Prior to becoming Head, Dr. Balseiro held various educational roles and earned multiple grants and awards from the Florida Council of Independent Schools for her innovative design in curriculum projects.
Dr. Balseiro currently serves on the Board of the Florida Council of Independent Schools, Florida’s prestigious accrediting body for independent schools. In the past, she served on the Board of the Florida Kindergarten Council and MIMO District. She is Founder of TEDxCushmanSchool and TEDxYouthMiami and served as a curator for each for four years. Throughout her 38 year career in education, her priority has always been to make a positive impact in the lives of all her students and those in the external community.