UTC-8h Ainsley RoseRegion Leader - GMT-8h Timezone 48 years as an award-winning educator. Began as a high school teacher and progressed to be an Elementary and Secondary Principal, and Director of Education in Quebec, Canada.Now an author consultant, President of Thistle Educational Development Inc. Conference keynote presenter and professional development consultant with several organizations. Certified Visible Learning trainer and contributing author for several educational publications.Married with three adult children and six grandchildren all living in West Kelowna, British Columbia, Canada. Neil FlemingRegion Leader - GMT-7h Timezone Principal of Dr. Wilbert Keon School on L’Isle-aux-Allumettes, Quebec, Canada, Neil Fleming divides his time between outdoor interests and work. He remains committed to educational improvement through school change and renewal. Learners are at the beating heart of his educational praxis and schools should embody this truth. Neil’s educational journeys have connected him to schools throughout North America, England and Latin America. With Angela, he has raised four adult children who continue to inspire and energize his life. An ardent Argentinophile, he looks forward to further adventures.